About Essington Farm Shop
Our Livestock
Free-Range Pork 
Essington Free-Range Pork is run on traditional principles with an emphasis on top quality high welfare pork.
All our pigs are free to roam outside all of their lives where they have the freedom to exhibit their natural behaviour, rooting in the soil for food and wallowing to keep cool which makes for a happy contented pig. The results of this are a top quality pork product with excellent taste and texture.
Pedigree Hereford Beef
The Hereford cow is one of the most famous of the traditional British beef breeds with its distinctive white face and brown and white body. Renowned for its excellent eating quality and quiet temperament, the Hereford has been seeing a resurgence in popularity.
Being a traditional breed one of the Hereford’s main characteristics is its ability to fatten off grass, without the need to feed supplementary diets of cereals as is the case with modern continental breeds. This grass-based diet makes our cattle slightly slower growing but gives a very tender meat with a superior flavour. This eating quality is also excellent thanks to the marbling characteristic of Hereford meat which when cooked helps improve the texture and taste of the meat: how beef should taste.
Plant Nursery
We produce hardy cottage plants, a vast range of bedding plants, veg plants and stunning baskets and tub plants at our plant nursery. You’re bound to find something to suit your own individual taste!
Our plant nursery.
Over 90% of our plants are home grown and of the highest quality that you would expect from Essington Fruit Farm. Feel free to come and have a browse!
Hanging baskets can also be bought ready made or refills done to your specification – just ask.
Environmental and Sustainability Policy
Here at Essington Farm, we’re committed to carrying out sustainable farming practices and continuing to improve our environmental performance.
See our website for more information - LINK
About Essington Farm Shop
Essington Farm shop is open all year round. Ready picked fruits and vegetables are available straight from our farm fresh or frozen. (To see our range of fruits and vegetables click here). When in season we always have a selection of varieties of freshly picked strawberries, raspberries and other soft fruits with samples so you can try before you buy. When our own fruits and vegetables are out of season our policy is to buy as locally as possible and as fresh as possible to give a traceable fresh product of excellent quality.
Home-made cakes, pies and an extensive range of ready meals are cooked daily in our farm kitchen for sale in the shop. The recipes used are traditional farmhouse recipes using traditional ingredients. These are often cooked using our own farm ingredients either straight from the fields or fresh from the butchery. This means that food miles are kept to a minimum and again the freshest, quality product is available to our customers.
We also stock a range of local juices, preserves, honey and crisps for sale throughout the year. Don’t forget local honey is thought to be an effective remedy for hay fever, but it must be local to work.
About Our Butchery & Deli
The farm butchery and deli follow our traditional ethos with most of our meat being either our own or locally produced usually from within 5 miles of the farm. Meat sold through the butchery is produced using traditional methods with respect for the environment and breeds are selected on eating quality rather than productivity. We cut all our own meat from scratch the old fashioned way and are proud to sell our own free range pork, and our own pedigree Hereford beef.
Find Us
Contact Details
Bognop Road,
WV11 2AZ
01902 735 724
Directions From The North
Take M6 South junction 11, A460 towards Wolverhampton, under the M54 left at 2nd roundabout into Bognop Road, Essington Fruit Farm 1 mile on left.
Directions From The South
Take M6 North junction 10a M54, Junction 1 M54, A460 towards Wolverhampton, left at 2nd roundabout into Bognop Road, Essington Fruit Farm 1 mile on left.